MLOps Automation
Data Services Paul Karsten Data Services Paul Karsten

MLOps Automation

MLOps requires specialized knowledge that traditional DevOps teams lack. The challenges related to data quality, consistency, and accessibility demand a different set of skills and tools.

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Guided By Business Value
What You Get Alexander Kalinovsky What You Get Alexander Kalinovsky

Guided By Business Value

In the fast-paced business environment, Information Technology (IT) wants to be seen as a crucial driver of organizational success, yet it often remains perceived as a cost center focused on technology implementation and operation. The fall 2023 issue of the DevOps Enterprise Journal illustrates that IT programs are frequently measured using non-business value metrics. While we at Idea Harbor advocate for DORA-style metrics, business value is the key driver for our engagements.

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FinOps vs. Security
Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky

FinOps vs. Security

In the dynamic landscape of information technology, organizations are increasingly adopting cloud computing for its transformative impact. As sensitive data migrates to the cloud, robust policies, accountability, and security measures are crucial. Comprehensive policies covering data handling, access management, and encryption, along with employee training, are vital for effective cloud governance and defense against security threats.

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Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky


The persistent concern about managing cloud spend has led to the emergence of FinOps, a discipline that combines Finance and DevOps principles. You can begin your journey using a gradual process of Inform (understanding actual costs through tagging and policies), Optimize (collaboration and calculating ROI), and Operate (utilizing tagging and policies for various advantages, including added security)

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Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky

Securing Your Software Supply Chain

In the 3rd installment of our SSSC blog series, we continue to explore key tactics for securing software supply chains. We dive deeper into how to protect yourself and your customers from 3rd party software risks. We examine consuming and creating Software Bills of Material and the topic of provenance.

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Navigating Secure Software Supply Chains
Platform Engineering Paul Karsten Platform Engineering Paul Karsten

Navigating Secure Software Supply Chains

Ransomware attacks have become a frequent concern, impacting workplaces and software systems, exposing organizations to heightened risks. Secure Software Supply Chain (SSSC) practices endorsed by organizations such as the CISA and the CNCF help your organization mitigate those risks. Idea Harbor offers tailored SSSC implementation guidance, accommodating diverse technical processes to enhance organizational security.

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The Importance of Metrics in Delivery
What You Get Paul Karsten What You Get Paul Karsten

The Importance of Metrics in Delivery

In the fast-paced world of IT, the need to measure delivery has always been a challenge. Without a straightforward way to gauge performance, organizations resort to ineffective metrics, leading to skewed results and misinformed decisions. At Idea Harbor, we are committed to providing valuable insights and tangible evidence to support your progress.

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