Cloud Services

Few technological advancements have had as profound an impact as the rise of cloud computing... The cloud has emerged as an equalizer for businesses of all sizes, from global enterprises to startups, offering a level playing field to innovate and optimize workloads
— Forbes

Cloud Platform Build

  • Account Vending

  • Platform IaC

  • Role Definition

  • System Onboarding

Cloud Security

  • Guardrail Definition

  • Guardrail Enforcement

  • Networking

  • IaC

Cloud Migration

  • 6R Assessment

  • Migration Planning

  • TCO Business Case

  • Migration Execution

Cloud Operations

  • SRE Implementation

  • Resilience

  • Ticketing Integration

  • Observability

Cloud Native

  • Managed Services

  • Observability

  • Scalability

  • Cloud Training

Cloud Platform Build

Your organization has decided to embrace the cloud. Maybe someone has experimented using their credit card and the expense system. Now what? The cloud makes everything easier. It is easier to experiment, to create servers, to spend money, and to expose systems. Often organizations treat the cloud as they would another on-prem data center and do not account for the differences the cloud brings. They often overlook creating secure, repeatable, automated, and guard-railed processes. This is where the idea of a Cloud Landing Zone comes into play.

The creation of a Cloud Landing Zone allows your organization to create a secure and scalable platform while also managing costs through:

  • Automated Cloud Account Vending

  • Secure Networking

  • Automated Environment Vending leveraging Infrastructure as Code

  • Implementing Guardrails

  • Automated Tagging

  • Role standardization

  • Onboarding Training for your staff

Cloud Platform Migration

You have embraced the cloud. You have created a secure guard-railed landing zone and are ready to put your applications in the cloud. But how? Which ones? What approach is best for you? Idea Harbor helps you analyze your existing applications and data to create a migration plan tailored for your organization to ensure that migration brings the desired business outcomes.

  • Analysis: Not all applications are created alike, not all applications port to the cloud in the same way. While it sounds simple, a lift and shift only strategy will actually complicate your estate and increase your spend more than forecast. Using tried and tested analysis strategies, Idea Harbor will come up with the best plan for your business.

  • Data Migration: Moving existing data from on-premises systems or other cloud platforms to the selected cloud environment is a critical aspect. This process requires careful planning and execution to ensure data integrity and minimize downtime and reduce costs.

  • Application Migration: The actual migration of applications involves transferring code, configurations, and dependencies to the cloud platform. This may require modifications to make applications cloud-compatible and may be done in phases to minimize disruptions.

  • Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing is conducted to ensure that the migrated applications and data function correctly in the new cloud environment. Performance, security, and functionality tests are crucial to identify and address any issues before going live.

  • Deployment and Go-Live: After successful testing, the applications and data are deployed to the cloud platform. The final cutover is carefully orchestrated to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition for end-users.

Cloud Native Software Development

Often when moving into the cloud, organizations look at the direct transfer of workloads from their on-prem data centers into the selected cloud provider. While that does allow you to close expensive data center space, organizations soon realize that this approach does not allow them to take advantage of many of a cloud provider’s accelerators and in fact can increase costs.

Creating solutions for the cloud is not like what your development teams have been doing for years. There are new skills, new solutions, new tools to learn. Cloud Native Development is an approach to software development that emphasizes building applications and services specifically for cloud environments. It involves designing, developing, and deploying applications that leverage the capabilities and benefits of cloud computing to the fullest extent.

Through pairing and the creation of Communities of Enablement, Idea Harbor helps your team take advantage of your chosen cloud platform through:

  • Making use of Managed Services gives you built-in reliability, scalability, and security at lower costs and complexity than many standard COTS products.

  • Logging and Monitoring (Observability) mechanisms are there to leverage and even built into the platform.

  • Development teams no longer require access to machines (this is often a hard realization).

  • Leveraging platform features that allow developers to create scalable serverless solutions.

Cloud Security

Cloud security refers to the set of practices, technologies, policies, and procedures put in place to protect data, applications, services, and infrastructure within a cloud computing environment. The primary goal of cloud security is to safeguard sensitive information and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of resources hosted in the cloud.

Effective cloud security measures are crucial to build trust and confidence in cloud computing, enabling businesses to leverage the benefits of the cloud while maintaining a strong defense against cyber threats and data breaches.

Idea Harbor helps with the following important aspects of establishing security in the cloud:

  • Data Protection

  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Network and VPC Security

  • Compliance and Governance

  • Application Security

Cloud Operations

IT Operations of cloud platforms require different skills and a different mindset than operating traditional data centers. Creating a new Operating Model is a reliable way of providing existing operations teams with the skills and tools to operate in the cloud. It also is a good way of introducing modern practices such as “Cattle, not Pets” and Site Reliability Engineering.

Idea Harbor helps clients with advice and hands-on implementation of tools, approaches, and processes that allow them to take full advantage of what cloud has to offer

  • Site Reliability Engineering

  • Observability

  • Resilience

  • Infrastructure as Code

  • Integration with traditional ticketing systems

  • Codified Compliance

  • Guardrails

  • Security

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