Guided By Business Value
What You Get Alexander Kalinovsky What You Get Alexander Kalinovsky

Guided By Business Value

In the fast-paced business environment, Information Technology (IT) wants to be seen as a crucial driver of organizational success, yet it often remains perceived as a cost center focused on technology implementation and operation. The fall 2023 issue of the DevOps Enterprise Journal illustrates that IT programs are frequently measured using non-business value metrics. While we at Idea Harbor advocate for DORA-style metrics, business value is the key driver for our engagements.

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Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky Platform Engineering Alexander Kalinovsky

Securing Your Software Supply Chain

In the 3rd installment of our SSSC blog series, we continue to explore key tactics for securing software supply chains. We dive deeper into how to protect yourself and your customers from 3rd party software risks. We examine consuming and creating Software Bills of Material and the topic of provenance.

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